Meet Our Team

Shane Hamilton

Director First Nations Blockchain

Shane is currently NSW /ACT Director at PwC Indigenous Consulting. Director at FNb, he aims to bring the recognition to Australian Indigenous Art & Culture.

Beverley Honig

Director First Nations Blockchain

Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of adding value across many industries .
Beverley brings a unique mix of entrepreneurship and education. With this double passion, and a background in Law and Business, she uses her skills in negotiation, planning and business development to professionally develop people, improve business and create new ventures for the benefit of governments and people

Abhishant Prakash

Blockchain, ML & Full Stack Engineer

Abhishant has software domain expertise of over four years and pursuing his masters in Data Science. He believes in empowering people through technology.

Samantha McNeil

Law Student, Indigenous Art Expert

Samantha holds knowledge in the domain of Australian Indigenous Art Market and is a lawyer in making. She envisions to bring recognition Australian Indigenous Art & Culture by her continuous efforts.

Angus Lane

Paralegal, Law & Patent Expert

Angus is a paralegal, law & patent expert at First Nations Blockchain and manages governance matters.


Farhanul Islam

Electrical, Hardware Engineer

Farhan is pursuing his Masters in Electrical Engineering and has expertise in the field of hardware-software integration and network security.

Our Location

Join and collaborate with us. Our office working hours and address are mentioned below.

Working hours

Monday- Friday: 9:00-18:30 Hrs
(Phone until 15:30 Hrs)

We are here

c/o Honeylight Enterprises Pty Ltd
459 Collins Street , Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: + 61-419829332